Gear is important but you don't have to go broke, just get started. See what you already have, you might be surprised. We suggest that you test your gear and get familiar with it rather than waiting for an emergency to find out that it doesn't work or you can't easily use it effectively. Below are some items to get you thinking about what you may want to add to your Bug Out Bag or Emergency Essentials stash.
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We debated over which flashlights were the best and you can spend so much money on them or just find what works for you. This iProtec Outdoorsmen 400 Series Flashlight can throw a bright beam over 180m.
You will definitely want a radio that can run by hand crank or recharged by the sun if your battery dies. 4-in-1 Emergency Solar Flashlight & AM/FM/Weather Radio w/ Hand Crank by Ready Hour
Pressure Canners
This thing says prepper faster than a Mennonite with a cell phone! All American 921 21 Quart Pressure Canner

Sleeping Bags
If your power goes out, you'll want to conserve heat! Marmot Trestles 15° Mummy Sleeping Bag
Cutting seems simple and often times trivial, but in a pinch, you will want a reliable knife. Find what works for you. KA-BAR® Black Handled U.S.A Fighting/Utility Knife.
Kraut, Kraut, Let it all Out! Are you ready to take the journey into making your own Kraut? Here is an example of a cheap way to get started while also watching your fermentation ensue. Anchor Hocking 2.5 Gallon Montana Glass Jar with Fresh Seal Lid

A hatchet is compact and very useful but be careful because this puppy can remove fingers with ease. Gerber® Pack Hatchett